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Broken ISO after 'Folder to ISO'

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 21:42
by esdeve17
Well, we made a folder an .iso whith your soft... but I don't know why, there is a problem : all my text files which looked like this normal text portion :

Full List of Corrections:
Last updated on: SEP/17/2010

Now look like... this one :

What is the matter?
The folder contains a portable application. Can it be the problem?
Of course it can't tart no more. I made a test whith win iso, and it is ok whith.
I don't have a problem any more but you'got a bug!

Re: .txt, .ini unreadables.

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 09:19
by Steven
Dear esdeve17,

If you have problem with creating ISO from a folder, please send us this zipped folder to support e-mail

Re: .txt, .ini unreadables.

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 17:11
by esdeve17
I think I actually can't, it's about 700Mo. It should be an hard work for my low connection and gmail will not want.
I just tried to make an iso with a part of the folder but texts are readables. After two others tests the error only appears whith the entire software added in the iso. I just notice that some parts of the new text are game code or other stuff, so it should come from anther file in the folder.
The soft is a part of the files from the game fallout2 with fan's patch added... I imagin you are not going to ask me where to download the "free" parts of the game and apply the fan's work on it to make an entire game and test yourself, but it may be just a problem with that sofware and the fan's work.

I'll remember to send a message if I have a similar problem with anything else so you can improve your soft.

Re: .txt, .ini unreadables.

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 18:06
by Steven
We'll be glad to download the folder with problem from http/ftp/torrent/e-mail anytime.

Thank you very much for feedback!

Re: .txt, .ini unreadables.

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 21:44
by esdeve17
K. I'm going to try splitting it in lil'parts an upload it all. I'm on an hotspot so it will take a little time (low connection, deconnection every 2 hours when I'm not looking and all).

Re: .txt, .ini unreadables.

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 08:11
by Steven
Thank you very much

Re: .txt, .ini unreadables.

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 09:55
by esdeve17
It's done. Look at your mail box for megaupload download links. They leads to .rar compressed parts files. You'll just have to make an iso the decompressed floder and right click comand

Re: .txt, .ini unreadables.

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 07:36
by Steven
Thank you very much, downloading all these parts.

Re: .txt, .ini unreadables.

Posted: 11 Jun 2011, 16:59
by Steven
Thank you for sharing the folder, the issue does reproduce (very rare case actually)

We we'll try fixing the bug in next versions of AnyToISO.

Temporary solution is: disable Joliet extension in ISO creation options.

Re: Broken ISO after 'Folder to ISO'

Posted: 29 Mar 2012, 08:37
by Steven
esdeve17 and all,

the problem is finally fixed in AnyToISO 3.3.1 (and later)